Top News Highlights- 23 August 2024

Top News Highlights- 23 August 2024

Kakrapar Nuclear Power Plant (KAPP-4) Operational at Full Capacity

  • Key Details: KAPP-4, a 700 MW pressurized Heavy Water Reactor (PHWR) in Gujarat, is now operational at full capacity.
  • Advanced Safety Features: Incorporates thin-walled pressure tubes and a Passive Decay Heat Removal System, reducing the risk of severe accidents similar to Fukushima.
  • Future Projections: 14 more units of this kind are expected by 2031-32, enhancing India’s nuclear power capacity.

Impact of e-Commerce on India’s Economy

  • Positive Aspects: E-commerce is growing at a 27% CAGR, accounting for 7.8% of retail sales in 2022, boosting consumer welfare and increasing employment, especially for women.
  • Concerns Raised: Issues like predatory pricing, reduced consumer choices, and potential job losses in traditional retail were highlighted, with privacy concerns also noted.
  • Regulations: Governed by Consumer Protection (E-Commerce) Rules, 2020, and the Consumer Protection Act, 2019.

4D-Printed Artificial Blood Vessels

  • Technology Overview: 4D printing has evolved from 3D printing, enabling materials to change shape or function over time in response to environmental stimuli.
  • Applications: Significant in medical grafts, soft robotics, and aerospace due to its dynamic functionality and material efficiency.
  • Challenges: Limited availability of technology and material degradation issues are current barriers.

Review of Regional Rural Banks (RRBs) by Finance Ministry

  • RRBs Role: Established under the RRB Act, 1987, RRBs aim to provide banking and credit facilities to rural sectors, contributing significantly to rural development and financial inclusion.
  • Issues: Challenges include poor deposit mobilization, human resource constraints, and competition from commercial banks.
  • Way Forward: Structural consolidation and recapitalization are suggested to enhance efficiency and performance.

EU Nature Restoration Law

  • Legislation Details: The EU’s first continent-wide nature restoration law aims to restore 20% of degraded ecosystems by 2030.
  • Targets: Restoration of 30% of terrestrial and marine ecosystems and planting three billion trees by 2030.
  • Implementation: Member states are required to prepare National Restoration Plans by 2026.

Genome Editing in Plants: ISDra2TnpB Tool

  • Innovation: ISDra2TnpB, derived from the bacteria Deinococcus radiodurans, is a next-gen genome editing tool that overcomes the size limitations of CRISPR-Cas9 and Cas12.
  • Applications: Effective on both monocots and dicots, enabling broader applications in genome engineering.

Key Concepts and Policies

  • Kakrapar Nuclear Power Plant (KAPP-4): A 700 MWe PHWR with advanced safety features to mitigate nuclear accidents.
  • e-Commerce Regulations: Governed by Consumer Protection (E-Commerce) Rules, 2020.
  • 4D Printing: Advanced manufacturing technique enabling dynamic and adaptive materials.
  • Regional Rural Banks (RRBs): Banks aimed at rural financial inclusion, face challenges that require structural reforms.
  • EU Nature Restoration Law: Legislation targeting the restoration of degraded ecosystems across the EU.
  • Genome Editing Tool ISDra2TnpB: A new tool for precise genome editing, addressing limitations of existing CRISPR technologies.