Top News Highlights- 16 August 2024

Top News Highlights- 16 August 2024

India’s New Ramsar Sites

  • Expansion of Ramsar Sites: India has added three more wetlands to the Ramsar Sites List, reflecting efforts in conserving water-dependent ecological systems.
  • Locations and Features: The newly recognized sites are Nanjarayan Bird Sanctuary, Kazhuveli Bird Sanctuary, and Tawa Reservoir, enhancing India’s commitment to biodiversity.
  • Conservation Significance: These sites are crucial for bird species conservation and act as vital water management resources, supporting both biodiversity and local agriculture.

National Pest Surveillance System (NPSS) Launched

  • AI Integration in Agriculture: The Agriculture Minister inaugurated the AI-based NPSS, aimed at improving pest management and reducing pesticide overuse.
  • Functional Benefits: The system will offer real-time pest management advisories and promote Integrated Pest Management practices.
  • Impact on Farmers: NPSS seeks to diminish farmers’ reliance on pesticide retailers, addressing a key issue in agricultural sustainability.

Vulture Population’s Impact on Public Health

  • Study Findings: A significant decline in vulture populations has led to increased premature human deaths, linking ecological balance to public health.
  • Economic Implications: The absence of vultures has led to a nearly $70 billion annual economic loss due to increased healthcare costs and environmental cleanup.
  • Conservation Measures: Efforts include banning harmful veterinary drugs and establishing Vulture Conservation Breeding Centers.

Global Bio-India 2024 and Bio-Economy

  • Bio-Economy Potential: Highlighted at the Global Bio-India 2024, the bio-economy is poised to drive the next industrial revolution with sustainable biological processes.
  • Economic Impact: The sector, which has grown significantly, aims to reduce dependence on fossil fuels and enhance environmental sustainability.
  • Challenges and Initiatives: The sector faces regulatory and ethical challenges, with initiatives aimed at boosting biotech innovation and resource efficiency.

Monkeypox Declared a Global Health Emergency

  • WHO’s Declaration: Following significant outbreaks, monkeypox has been declared a Public Health Emergency of International Concern (PHEIC).
  • Spread and Symptoms: The disease, primarily found in central and western Africa, has shown wider international spread and severity in recent outbreaks.
  • Preventative Measures: Vaccines and treatments developed for smallpox are being adapted to combat monkeypox, highlighting the need for global health preparedness.

Launch of Earth Observation Satellite EOS-08

  • Mission Objectives: ISRO’s recent launch aims to enhance disaster monitoring and environmental management through advanced satellite technology.
  • Technical Capabilities: The satellite will perform earth observation tasks using infrared and UV payloads, crucial for addressing climate-related challenges.
  • Strategic Importance: This mission underscores India’s capabilities in space technology, contributing to global environmental monitoring efforts.

Key Concepts and Policies:

  • Ramsar Sites: Wetlands of international importance designated under the Ramsar Convention for their ecological, botanical, or hydrological significance.
  • Integrated Pest Management (IPM): An effective and environmentally sensitive approach to pest management that relies on a combination of practices.
  • Bio-Economy: Refers to the production and use of biological resources to provide goods and services in all economic sectors sustainably.