Science & Technology

Laws of Thermodynamics UPSC Notes

Thermodynamics laws are fundamental physical principles that define the nature of energy, heat, and work in physical systems. They provide a foundation upon which the study of how energy moves and changes in various systems from the daily examples of living life to the very complex physical systems is structured. Thermodynamics has wide applications from engines to biological processes, and it is these laws that are used in understanding most scientific phenomena.

To get through the laws of thermodynamics, basic terms and principles of thermodynamics should be well known. To arrive at the laws, one should first recognize that thermodynamics is distinct from mechanics. Mechanics deals with forces and motion, whereas thermodynamics has to do with energy, heat, and their changes in systems.

  • Thermodynamics Timeline tracks the development of thermodynamic laws from the 19th century to the application in present.
  • Branches of Thermodynamics are those that are broad or general and consist of classical, statistical, chemical and equilibrium thermodynamics, which have different goals.
  • Thermodynamic Systems denote the portions of the universe under consideration cut off from the rest of the surroundings.
  • Thermodynamic Processes describe how a system can change from one state to another, even involving heat or work.
GS PaperGS Paper III
Topics for UPSC PrelimsBasics of Thermodynamics, Laws of Thermodynamics, Heat engines and refrigerators, Concept of entropy
Topics for UPSC MainsApplication of thermodynamic principles, Relevance of thermodynamics in energy systems, Role of laws of thermodynamics in climate science and ecological studies

Laws of Thermodynamics

The laws of thermodynamics explain energy transfer in systems. The Zeroth Law defines temperature, the First Law states energy conservation, the Second Law introduces entropy, and the Third Law explains entropy’s behavior near absolute zero. These laws govern heat, work, and energy transformations in various processes.

Zeroth Law of Thermodynamics

The Zeroth Law of Thermodynamics helps define the temperature. It says that if two systems are in thermal equilibrium with a third system, they are in equilibrium with one another as well. This means we can define temperature measurement, which makes thermometers possible.

First Law of Thermodynamics

The first law of thermodynamics, also referred to as the law of energy conservation, states that one cannot create or destroy energy in any system but only reorienting. More or less energy should be entering a system than leaving the system. One has to put this law into practice explaining why engines work or why one needs food to function.

Second Law of Thermodynamics

The Second Law of Thermodynamics was described with the concept of entropy. It said that for any natural process within an isolated system, its total entropy (disorder) always will increase. The law explains why heat flows from hot objects to cold ones and why it’s impossible to have a 100% efficient machine.

Third Law of Thermodynamics

The Third Law of Thermodynamics deals with the absolute zero temperature. It states that a system’s entropy is subjected to a constant minimal value as the system approaches absolute zero. The law determines how materials react at extremely low temperatures.

Thermodynamic Properties and Processes

  • Thermodynamic Equilibrium is a System whose all the properties remain constant with time and does not have energy transfer.
  • Thermodynamic Potentials are categorized into internal energy, Helmholtz free energy, and Gibbs free energy.
  • Enthalpy is the total heat in a system about a reaction. Entropy may be termed the system’s measure of disarray or randomness, and it increases in any natural process.

Knowledge of the thermodynamic properties and processes proves crucial in applying the laws of thermodynamics to specific situations. For instance, the concept of enthalpy change explains why some chemical reactions are exothermic-that is, they release heat while others are endothermic, meaning that they absorb heat.

Differences Between Mechanics and Thermodynamics

Mechanics is about forces and motions where you mostly deal with physical objects and their relations; thermodynamics has to do with the transfer and transformation of energy, especially heat. In mechanics, you learn how an object might move or interact with another, but in thermodynamics, it is the how of energy itself, how it changes, and what happens during those changes.

DefinitionStudy of motion and forces acting on bodiesStudy of heat, energy, and work in physical systems
FocusConcerned with force, motion, velocity, and energy changes due to physical interactionsConcerned with heat transfer, temperature, and energy transformations
System StateDescribed by position, velocity, and accelerationDescribed by properties like temperature, pressure, and volume
Key LawsNewton’s Laws of Motion, Conservation of Momentum and EnergyLaws of Thermodynamics (First, Second, Third Laws)
Type of EnergyFocuses on mechanical energy (kinetic and potential)Focuses on internal energy and thermal energy
Microscopic/MacroscopicPrimarily macroscopic approach (large-scale objects)Deals with both macroscopic and microscopic properties (molecules, atoms)
ApplicationsUsed in analyzing motion of vehicles, machinery, celestial objectsApplied in engines, refrigerators, and heat engines
BranchesIncludes statics, dynamics, kinematics, and fluid mechanicsIncludes classical thermodynamics, statistical thermodynamics

Other Areas of Thermodynamics

The applications are diverse for these two approaches for the former is used in the design of engines, whereas the latter is concerned with chemical reactions in chemical thermodynamics. The nature of a thermodynamic system depends upon whether it is isolated or closed or open. It determines the interaction of such a system with its surroundings either in terms of energy or matter exchange.

  • Classical Thermodynamics: We find out systems where we don’t wish to dive into molecular details, hence diving into energy, heat, and work.
  • Statistical Thermodynamics: This branch of science explains the arising of macroscopic attributes from the behavior of microscopic particles.
  • Chemical Thermodynamics: It deals with chemical reaction energy, an important tool in subfields like chemistry and engineering.
  • Equilibrium Thermodynamics: It  involves systems that have attained the state of thermodynamic equilibrium, whose pressure and temperature cease to vary.

Applications and examples in daily life

  • The laws of thermodynamics are actually present in the daily scenario. Here are some thermodynamics examples in everyday life.
  • When you heat up the water for making tea, the First Law of Thermodynamics depicts how the heat transferred to the water and its internal energy increased.
  • A refrigerator works on the Second Law of Thermodynamics as it transfers the heat from inside outside, thus keeping the food cold.
  • The Third Law of Thermodynamics tells us about cooling of universe with passage of time as the systems approach lower and lower temperatures and entropy tends to rise .

How to Solve Thermodynamics Problems

Identify the system, process, and which law applies to solve thermodynamics problems. In this regard, students face heat transfer problems or energy balance or changes in entropy. Using these laws of thermodynamics problems regarding energy balance can be solved with predictions on how the system behaves.


The laws of thermodynamics afford a systematic means for understanding energy, heat, and work in systems. Each describes aspects of the behaviour of systems, such that the Zeroth Law defines temperature, and the Third Law is a description of the behavior of systems near absolute zero.

Laws of Thermodynamics UPSC Notes
1. The laws of thermodynamics describe how energy transfers and transforms in physical and chemical systems, including daily life applications.
2. The Zeroth Law of Thermodynamics defines thermal equilibrium, which is crucial for measuring temperature using thermometers.
3. The First Law states that energy cannot be created or destroyed but only transformed, explaining processes like engines and metabolism.
4. The Second Law introduces entropy, showing how systems naturally move towards disorder, making processes irreversible.
5. The Third Law explains the behavior of systems approaching absolute zero, where entropy reaches a minimum value.
6. Thermodynamics is essential in various fields, including engineering, chemistry, and biology, with applications in heat engines and biological processes.
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