
Asteroids: Types & Classification|UPSC Notes

An asteroid is a small, rocky body that orbits the Sun. Unlike planets, asteroids are much smaller, with irregular shapes. They are remnants of the early formation of our solar system. These space rocks vary in size and can be as small as a pebble or as large as hundreds of kilometers across. Asteroids are fascinating objects that have captured the attention of astronomers and scientists. These rocky bodies are remnants of the solar system’s early days. 

  • You can find asteroids between the orbit of Mars and Jupiter.
  • Asteroids play a significant role in understanding the history of our solar system.
  • The study of asteroids helps scientists learn more about the early solar system.
GS PaperGS Paper I, GS Ppare III
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What is an Asteroid?

What is an asteroid? An asteroid is a small, rocky object that orbits the Sun. Unlike planets, asteroids do not have atmospheres. Various materials, including metals and minerals, compose them. You primarily find asteroids in the asteroid belt, a region of space located between Mars and Jupiter. These objects can vary greatly in size and shape. Some asteroids are round, while others have irregular shapes.

The size of an asteroid can range from a few meters to hundreds of kilometers. The largest known asteroid is Ceres, which is about 940 kilometers in diameter. It is so large that it is also classified as a dwarf planet. Smaller asteroids are often referred to as meteoroids when they enter Earth’s atmosphere and become meteors.


How Are Asteroids Named?

Naming asteroids is a systematic process. When someone discovers an asteroid, they give it a provisional name based on the date of its discovery. For example, an asteroid discovered on January 1, 2024, might be named 2024 AA. Once the asteroid’s orbit is confirmed, it receives a permanent number and can be given a name by the discoverer. The International Astronomical Union (IAU) must approve all names, though they can be anything. This process ensures that each asteroid has a unique identifier. The naming of asteroids helps scientists track and study these objects more efficiently.

Types of Asteroid

These types help scientists understand the diversity and origin of asteroids in our solar system. Each type provides clues about the conditions in the early solar system and the processes that shaped it. Asteroids can be classified into several types based on their composition. The main types are:

C-type (carbonaceous)

These are the most common type of asteroid, representing about 75% of all known asteroids. They are composed mainly of carbon-rich materials, which give them a dark appearance. These asteroids are found in the outer regions of the asteroid belt and are believed to be some of the oldest objects in the solar system, providing insights into its early composition.

S-type (silicaceous)

These asteroids are made primarily of silicate rocks and nickel-iron, accounting for about 17% of known asteroids. S-type asteroids are brighter than C-type due to their metallic content. They are typically found in the inner regions of the asteroid belt and are believed to be remnants of the inner planets’ building materials.

M-type (metallic)

These rare asteroids, composed mostly of metallic iron and nickel, make up about 8% of known asteroid. Scientists believe that M-type asteroid are the remnants of the metallic cores of larger bodies shattered by collisions. These asteroid are located in the middle regions of the asteroid belt and are valuable for studying the metal content of early solar system bodies.


Classification of Asteroid

The classification of asteroids is based on their location, orbit, and composition. Categories include Main Belt Asteroid, Trojans, Near-Earth Asteroid (NEAs), Centaurs, Amors, Atens, and Apollos, each offering unique insights into the solar system’s dynamics.

Main Belt Asteroids

  • You can find asteroid between the orbit of Mars and Jupiter in the asteroid belt.
  • They range in size from small rocks to large bodies like Ceres.
  • These asteroid are remnants from the early solar system, influenced by Jupiter’s gravity.

Trojan Asteroids

  • Trojan asteroid share an orbit with larger planets, primarily Jupiter, at stable Lagrange points.
  • They offer insights into planetary formation and solar system dynamics.

Near-Earth Asteroids (NEAs)

  • NEAs have orbits that bring them close to Earth, making them important for impact risk studies.
  • Scientists divide them into subgroups like Amors, Apollos, and Athens based on their orbit’s relation to Earth.

Centaur Asteroid

  • Centaurs have orbits between Jupiter and Neptune and display characteristics of both asteroid and comets.
  • They have unstable orbits due to the gravitational pull of giant planets and may eventually become comets or main belt asteroid.

Amor Asteroids

  • A subgroup of NEAs, Amors have orbits that approach but do not intersect Earth’s orbit.
  • The first-discovered Amor asteroid inspired the name for this group, which poses less of a direct impact threat.

Aten Asteroids:

  • Aten asteroid have orbits primarily inside Earth’s orbit, often crossing it from the inside.
  • They are significant for understanding Earth’s orbital interactions.

Apollo Asteroids:

  • Apollo asteroid have orbits that cross Earth’s orbit, making them a potential impact risk.
  • Named after the first-discovered Apollo asteroid, they help predict future Earth encounters and inform deflection strategies.

Importance of Studying Asteroids

Studying asteroids is essential for several reasons. Asteroids provide a glimpse into the early solar system’s history. By analyzing the composition of asteroid, scientists can learn about the materials that formed planets and other celestial bodies. Asteroids also offer clues about the processes that shaped our solar system.

  • Understanding Solar System Formation: Studying asteroid provides insights into the early solar system, revealing the materials and processes that shaped planets.
  • Planetary Defense: Monitoring Near-Earth Asteroid (NEAs) helps predict and mitigate potential impacts on Earth, enhancing planetary safety.
  • Resource Potential: Asteroid may contain valuable resources like metals and water, which could support future space exploration and economic activities.
  • Scientific Exploration: Missions to asteroid expand our knowledge of these celestial bodies, contributing to broader scientific understanding and technological advancements.
  • Clues to Life’s Origins: Some asteroid contain organic compounds, offering clues about the origins of life and the distribution of organic material in the solar system.

Difference Between Asteroid and Meteors

DefinitionA small rocky body that orbits the Sun, primarily found in the asteroid belt.A meteoroid that enters Earth’s atmosphere and burns up, creating a streak of light.
LocationFound mostly between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter in the asteroid belt.Occurs in Earth’s atmosphere when a meteoroid enters it.
SizeRanges from a few meters to hundreds of kilometers.Typically small, ranging from dust-sized particles to small rocks.
CompositionComposed of rock, metal, and sometimes organic compounds.Composed of rock or metal, usually fragments from asteroids or comets.
BehaviorOrbits the Sun in a consistent path, mostly within the asteroid belt.Burns up upon entering Earth’s atmosphere, creating a visible light trail.
Resulting ObjectRemains in space unless altered by collision or gravitational forces.Can become a meteorite if it survives the atmosphere and lands on Earth.
Impact RiskPotential impact on Earth if their orbit intersects with Earth’s path.Poses minimal threat; most burn up in the atmosphere before reaching the surface.


In conclusion, asteroids are fascinating objects that play a significant role in our understanding of the solar system. They are remnants from the early days of our solar system, and studying them provides valuable insights into the formation of planets and other celestial bodies. The classification of asteroid and the difference between asteroids and meteors are essential concepts in understanding these objects’ nature and behavior. Asteroid are found between the orbit of Mars and Jupiter, primarily in the asteroid belt.

Asteroids UPSC Notes 
1. Asteroids are small, rocky bodies that orbit the Sun, primarily found between Mars and Jupiter in the asteroid belt.
2. Asteroids provide valuable insights into the early solar system and the formation of planets.
3. Near-Earth Asteroids (NEAs) are closely monitored due to their potential impact risk on Earth.
4. Asteroids can be classified into types such as C-type (carbonaceous), S-type (silicaceous), and M-type (metallic).
5. Scientists believe M-type asteroids are remnants of metallic cores from larger bodies shattered by collisions.
6. The naming of asteroids involves a provisional name based on discovery date, followed by approval from the International Astronomical Union (IAU).
7. Studying asteroids is crucial for planetary defense, resource utilization, and understanding the origins of life.
8. Space missions like NASA’s OSIRIS-REx and Japan’s Hayabusa2 have provided significant data on asteroid composition and potential resources.
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