
Biodiversity: Importance & Threat|UPSC Notes

Biodiversity is fundamental to life on Earth. It is the variety of living organisms, from plants and animals to microorganisms, in different ecosystems. The functioning of ecosystems would be difficult without biodiversity, and the balance of life would be upset. Biodiversity sustains the ecosystem through such services as pollination, water purification, and climate regulation. It also assists human life by contributing to food security, medicine, and raw materials for various industries.

  • Biodiversity ensures the availability of natural resources.
  • Healthy ecosystems regulate climate, clean air, and water.
  • Biodiversity loss weakens ecosystems, affecting food production.
  • Many medicines are derived from biodiversity, especially plants.
  • Diverse ecosystems support economic activities like tourism and fisheries.
GS PaperGS Paper I, GS Paper III, GS Paper II
Topics for UPSC PrelimsBasic concepts of Biodiversity, Threats to Biodiversity, Endangered and endemic species in India, National Parks, Wildlife Sanctuaries, and Biosphere Reserves
Topics for UPSC MainsConservation, environmental pollution, and degradation, Environmental impact assessment,Measures for the conservation of biodiversity

Importance of Biodiversity

It is what maintains the health of ecosystems. If there are very few different species, then changes do not reverse themselves easily in an ecosystem. Critical services like pollination can decline sharply, affecting crop production and food security. More diverse ecosystems can absorb pressures like climate change or the emergence of diseases much more easily.

Biodiversity also supports cultural and recreational features. Most world regions depend on natural ecosystems for tourism, traditional knowledge, and religious functions. Loss of biodiversity may result in the disappearance of these unique cultures and traditions.


Threats to Biodiversity

Major threats to it include habitat destruction, climate change, pollution, overexploitation of natural resources, and the introduction of invasive species. All these factors disrupt ecosystems, threaten species, and lead to extinction, posing severe risks to environmental balance and the essential services that it provides for humans.

Habitat Destruction

Habitat destruction through deforestation, urbanization, and agriculture thus affects it the most. The its sites such as forests and wetlands are being destroyed terribly.

Climate Change

In essence, with the rising temperatures, besides other disrupted weather conditions, it mostly disrupts and contributes towards the extinction of species that cannot adapt fast. Climate change affects food chains and habitats besides putting other species in an endangered position.


The pollution of natural habitats, particularly by plastics, chemicals, and oil spills, is widespread in oceans. Ocean ecosystems are more sensitive to threats, and plastic pollution is one of the gravest threats facing ocean life.


Overfishing, hunting, and unsustainable harvesting of natural resources have been contributing to the depletion of species’ populations. Human activities are driving many species to extinction.

Invasive Species

Invasive species introduced into other ecosystems by human activity often compete with native species for resources. This changes ecosystems and can threaten biodiversity.

Conservation of Biodiversity

Conservation is essential to maintain and regain them. Governments and other organizations across the world are conserving endangered species and their habitats.

Protected Areas

National parks, wildlife sanctuaries, and marine protected areas are protected to conserve it. These areas act as a haven for such endangered species and ecosystems.

Restoration Projects

Some restoration projects, which are a combination of reforestation and wetland rehabilitation, are designed to rehabilitate degraded ecosystems. They encourage them and improve the health of ecosystems.

Sustainable Practices

Sustainable agriculture, fishing, and forestry will decrease their impacts on biodiversity. Responsible practices in harvesting natural resources or preserving ecosystems ensure that the industries are within safe limits and do not cause harm to them.

How Can You Contribute to Biodiversity?

Every individual has the power to contribute to preserving it. Some of the easiest things that a person can do are reduce plastic usage, conserve, and even lead a sustainable lifestyle.

  • Advocate for ecologically sound products and brands.
  • Reduce, Reuse, and recycle.
  • Participate in local conservation projects.
  • Grow Indigenous species to encourage it within your environs.


Biodiversity is the bedrock of life on earth. Loss of it would mean the collapse of ecosystems and ultimately put human survival at risk. If it’s about protecting it, then it is necessarily on the government and organization’s sides, but this does not exclude an individual’s responsibility to act as well. It can be done through supporting conservation efforts or merely making sustainable lifestyle choices.

Biodiversity UPSC Notes
1. Biodiversity refers to the variety of living organisms, ecosystems, and species that support the balance of life on Earth.
2. Biodiversity loss is driven by deforestation, pollution, climate change, overexploitation of resources, and invasive species disrupting natural ecosystems.
3. Healthy ecosystems rely on biodiversity to provide essential services like pollination, water purification, and climate regulation.
4. Conservation efforts, such as protected areas, sustainable practices, and restoration projects, are critical to preserving biodiversity and ecosystem health.
5. Biodiversity supports cultural, economic, and recreational activities, including tourism, traditional knowledge, and religious practices in many communities.
6. Individuals can contribute to biodiversity conservation by reducing waste, supporting eco-friendly practices, and engaging in local conservation projects.
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